Monday, February 24, 2020

Gino's Ice Cream Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Gino's Ice Cream Company - Essay Example ner is very eager to accept this patronage as there have been quality issues in production due to the laid back attitude of long time employees, some of whom are working for past twenty to thirty years. There is also great likelihood of resistance to any change. With such extreme views the management sought advice from a consulting firm that has recommended continuance of present practices but with changes in production patterns from batch to continuous production, closure of loss making ice-cream parlours and some strategic partnership with McBain under Gino brand for targeting a larger market. They have recommended introduction of new products and a change management programme over the next 18 to 24 months. They also advocate further investments for enhancing lean production as well as logistic management for catering to mobile customers. Environments have a great impact on companies. Strategy is the reaction or response to these external and internal situations. Ansoff et al (1976) state that, amongst other things, responsiveness to the problems is what strategy is all about. The aggressive response to competition, the sublime response to the customers, the firm but fair response to the managers and workers are but a few ingredients of strategy. Minzberg et al (1998) offer another concept of strategy which is that it acts as a mediation force between the organization and the environment. Strategy is the internal and inherent capacity of the organization to meet and face challenges posed by the external environment. In an isolated incident, this paradigm has been challenged by Smirchich and Stubbart (1985) who claim that current theories wrongly perceive that environments dictate strategies and that environments themselves are a creation of actions of organisations. But in current thinking organisations are socially constructed systems that share values and meanings (Burrell & Morgan, 1979; Pfeffer, 1981; Weick, 1979), and the mission of the management is to

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 26

Philosophy - Essay Example Besides, Aristotle took into account those objects or notions which are impossible to sense, so he called them ideas. Hence, it is quite easy to explain reality of such notions as love, hate, happiness, etc. Different philosophers of different time explained nature of human knowledge differently. At the same time, however, they all agreed that human knowledge is limited. One of the philosophers, who claimed that it is impossible for a human being to know everything, was Lock. Human knowledge is defined as being aware of ideas and understanding relations between them. Limitation of our knowledge serves as an engine for a constant search of eternal truth and acquiring wisdom. Science is our understanding and explanation of the natural world. Human beings get to know the laws and phenomena of science with the help of their senses which are aided by the means of instruments and different technological innovations. Unfortunately, natural laws and patterns do not keep stable over the time, because they tend to change under the influence of different conditions. Science is limited due to changeability of the natural world. Moral responsibility of every human being is essential component of happy life. Such moral responsibility is called ethics. According to Aristotle, in order to have a good life and to live happily one has to be intrinsically good. Thus, the good created or delivered by one person will increase the total amount of the whole good existing in the world, that will make each person feel happy in the end. In order to have the good society, there is a need in everyone’s becoming good. The good society is the one, which does not have conflicts and wars; besides, it is a society, each member of which is respected and equally treated. Many kind, reasonable, generous people living in one community and cooperating comprise the good society. In philosophical perspective our free will to do anything is always